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Interviewing: More Than a Gut Feeling™ (Book)

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Interviewing: More Than a Gut Feeling™ (How-To Book)
Interviewing: More Than a Gut Feeling™ (How-To Book)

World-Wide Best-Seller! Now you can take the guesswork out of hiring by relying on fair, logical ways to identify the best candidate for a job. This excellent how-to book will help you learn how to use the behavior-based approach to interviewing. By asking questions that probe for past behavior, you will be able to identify the candidate best suited for the job. You’ll also discover tips on how to save an uncomfortable interviewing situation. This How-To Book™ is 96 pages.

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Now you can take the guesswork out of hiring by relying on fair, logical ways to identify the best candidate for a job. This excellent how-to book will help you learn how to use the behavior-based approach to interviewing. By asking questions that probe for past behavior, you will be able to identify the candidate best suited for the job. You’ll also discover tips on how to save an uncomfortable interviewing situation.

If you’ve ever worried about…

  • How to be more effective when you conduct a hiring interview
  • How to predict a candidate’s future job performance
  • How to hire people who will be truly successful in their jobs

…then this book is for you. It will take you through the process of planning and conducting effective hiring interviews, and tell you how to evaluate the candidates to arrive at the right hiring decision.


How-to Training Points

  • Identify the needed skills for the job position
  • Develop and prepare fair and effective questions
  • Conduct the job interview
  • Evaluate and assess candidates during the interview
  • Handle difficult interviewing situations



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