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The More Than a Gut Feeling Program & Training Package

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If you’re like most managers, your greatest need is for a system of interviewing that doesn’t force you to rely on a gut feeling or your intuition. You want a system that enables you to gather the right information and use it to make informed hiring decisions. You want a system that has built-in predictability, so you know that the person you hire will be successful on the job.

The More Than a Gut Feeling program and training package will introduce you to the practice of behavior-based interviewing. The concept of behavior-based interviewing is simple: Your interview questions target the candidate’s past job behavior...

Because past behavior is a reliable predictor of future performance.

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More Than a Gut Feeling Program Packages

More Than a Gut Feeling is available in several modalities and for specific industries.
Click each product button below to learn more and to order!

Important Note: All USB orders include a one year usage license.
Each USB is a secure drive that must be mounted in the laptop/computer in order to run.

More Than a Gut Feeling™ IV


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More Than a Gut Feeling™: Leveraging the Power of Behavior-Based Interviewing eLearning Course


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Interviewing: More Than a Gut Feeling™ (Book)

$21.95 - $219.50

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More Than a Gut Feeling™ - Manufacturing Version


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Past Behavior Predicts Future Performance

The single best predictor of a candidate’s future job performance is his or her past job behavior. How do we know this is true? Because it’s been proved in thousands of actual job situations for more than two decades. Interviews that probe for past job behavior have been found to be more reliable than ones that focus on personality traits, such as “I’m dependable,” or “I’m hardworking,” or even, “You can count on me.” And hiring decisions based on actual behavior are far more accurate than those based on gut feelings.

What many successful interviewers have found is that the way in which a person handled a specific situation in the past gives you valid information about how that person will approach a similar situation in the future. If a person has worked well with customers in the past, he or she will most likely be effective with customers in the future. If the person has had trouble communicating well in the past, you can predict that he or she will continue to have communication problems in the future.

This is the foundation for behavior-based interviewing. Once you understand this concept, you can plan to ask the kinds of questions that will give you the information you need to make good hiring decisions.


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